
We would appreciate five minutes of your time to receive your feedback and views about the training you have received from Armada.

The information provided will be used by Armada to monitor and improve the quality of our training. We will forward your completion e-certificate (PDF) to the email address you provide in this form.

Your details

The course you attended

Your feedback on the course

1. The course content was relevant and useful

2. The course materials were helpful and of a good standard

3. The presentation style of the trainer(s) was clear and logical

4. The days were interesting and easy to follow

5. The course covered all of the areas you expected

6. The course was pitched at the appropriate level for your skills and knowledge

7. Which aspects of the course did you find most and least helpful?

8. Would you find further training in any areas useful?

Your feedback on the training facilities (complete only if you attended training at our centre)

If the training was held at an Armada training centre or a venue arranged by Armada, please coupld you fill out questions 9, 10 and 11. If the training was held at your own venue, please skip to questions 12.

9. The training facilities and your computer were of a sufficiently high standard

10. The refreshments and food provided were of a standard you would expect

11. Did you stay in accommodation recommended by Armada?

General feedback

12. If you would like to expand on any of the feedback you have provided above and/or provide any other ideas, comments, suggestions or thoughts you have, please enter details here:

Submit your feedback

The information you provide will be used by Armada to monitor and improve the quality of our training.

We store your details securely, and never share them with third parties. You can unsubscribe from marketing emails at any time, and request that we delete all information that we hold for you, by contacting us. See our privacy notice for further details.