What should I expect attending training in-class?
Attending a training course can be a pretty daunting experience. For many of our delegates, it has been a long time since they were in a classroom and the thought alone is quite off-putting! On the other hand, we have a lot of delegates who have not long left education and don’t overly relish the thought of being stuck in a classroom again for a few days. Here at Armada, we have been welcoming delegates onto our training courses for over 15 years, so you can rest assured you are in safe hands with us.
If you have read any of my other blog posts, you will know that I have personally attended our AutoCAD Essentials course. When I attended this course, I had only been working for Armada for a week, so I was very new to everything and didn’t have a clue about AutoCAD. You can imagine how nervous I was about the prospect. That being said, I had soon forgot my nerves and felt totally at ease in the classroom learning environment. Nearly 12 months later, I have personally welcomed 100’s of delegates to our two Bromsgrove centres and answered countless queries from delegates booked to attend courses at our other centres, so thought I would put together this FAQ blog post to help ease any worries you may have.
How will I know where to go on the first morning?
A week prior to your course start date, you will receive an email from one of the Armada team that contains your course joining instructions. This email is really important as it contains all the information you need to know about the location of your particular training centre, the car parking/public transport facilities, and where to go when you arrive at our building. If you have any questions once you have read this email, just reply back to the team member who sent it and they will be happy to help.
What time should I arrive at the centre?
I arrived really early (being my first week with the company…I was trying to make a good impression and was also very nervous being in such an unfamiliar situation), but we suggest delegate aim to arrive by 9:15am so they have time to get a drink and settle in, before the training starts. Should you arrive early, there will be a member of the Armada team ready to welcome you at the centre from 8:45am. If you are running late, don’t panic, and just give the office a call who can let your trainer know what time to expect you.
Should I bring my own refreshments?
We provide a selection of hot drinks and also chilled water in all of our training rooms for delegates to help themselves to during their course. There are also plenty of biscuits to snack on during your breaks!
Pre COVID-19, one of the Armada would make you a drink on arrival, whilst you got comfy at your desk, but in the ‘new normal’ we are now only able to point you in the right direction! We’re also asking that people take it in turns getting refreshments – just one person at a time, to comply with social distancing measures.
What about my lunch?
We have got this covered too and it’s a pretty great lunch whichever centre you are training at! I attended my course at our Bromsgrove, Holiday Inn centre and we had a lovely cooked lunch in the hotel restaurant. At most of our centres, your Armada team member will take your order (from a set menu) when you arrive each morning. When it’s time to finish for lunch, your trainer will take you to the café/restaurant where lunch will be. And don’t worry, we pick up the bill at the end 😆.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this may vary at some centres for the time being. If your centre is affected, we will let you know in your joining instructions email.
Is there a dress code?
No, absolutely not. We want you to be as comfortable as possible, and welcome delegates to dress casually.
I don’t have a laptop – do I need to get one?
No, throughout the course you will have sole access to a computer running the relevant software. We also provide a notepad and pen on each desk, along with your training manual, for you to make as many notes as you want. This will be your ‘workstation’ for the duration of your training, and you can leave your notes and manual there until the course finishes (unless you want to take your manual home for some bedtime reading, ready for the next day 😊).
Your desk and equipment will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised at the start of each day buy one of the Armada team.
How many people will be on my course?
This is a tricky one to answer, as all of our centres have different maximum capacity, and all of our courses have different levels of popularity.
Our most popular courses, such as AutoCAD Essentials, Introduction to InDesign, and Introduction to Premiere Pro, are likely to have class sizes of 8 or so delegates (pre-Covid-19) whereas the more niche CAD applications or the advanced Adobe courses will have much smaller groups.
Since we re-opened our centres following Covid-19, we’ve dramatically reduced the delegate numbers on all of our courses. You won’t sit next to another delegate and we have halved the maximum number of places available on each course!
What if I don’t understand something my instructor is saying?
Don’t worry, I didn’t understand a lot to being with, but my instructor, Carl Portman, was so experienced in training that he could tell straight away if anyone looked a little bit lost or confused, so would know to go over anything or spend a little longer on a topic; especially at the start when we were all still a little bit nervous and shy! After the first morning session, we were all much more comfortable so just spoke up, or got Carl’s attention if there was something we were stuck on. Our trainers are not only experts in the application they are teaching, but they are highly experienced trainers too and really friendly people.
So, what if you get to the end of your course and you don’t feel you grasped the concepts or learned enough to be able to put the skills into practice? We understand that you’re relying on us to teach you the skills you need, so we offer a training guarantee that lets you repeat the same course, completely free of charge.
Do I get to keep the work I do?
Yes, absolutely. If you bring a USB memory stick in on your final day, you can take away any files you’ve created during your training.
Alternatively, you can upload them using a file transfer utility such as WeTransfer – all of our computers have Internet access.
You will also have your training manual to take away to use as a refresher if you need one.
Is there anything else I should know?
Yes… try and have fun! As well as learning new skills, we want all of our delegates to leave their course having enjoyed their time with us, and hopefully to come back for any future training you may need 😃.

Thanks for this post, I really found this very helpful. And blog about “What to expect when you attend training in-class” is very useful.