Why choose Armada for online training?
There are so many different options out there for online training courses. A quick Google search will bring up many alternatives, with prices ranging from a few quid all the way to four-figure sums, and it can be difficult to choose the one that’s most appropriate.
So, the question is: ‘Why choose Armada for online training?’ We can’t deny that we think our live-online training is pretty special – heads and shoulders above our competitors – and here’s five reasons why:
1. Your online training experience will be as close as possible to actually being in the classroom
When you book online training, you’re participating in a real classroom-based course, in real-time. No part of your course is pre-recorded.
We do everything possible to make your experience as close as possible to actually being in-class:
- You can see and hear our trainer and the other delegates – just as if you are sat in the classroom with them – and see our trainer’s screen. The only difference is that they’re on-screen and coming through your speakers!
- Our trainer, the in-class delegates and the other online delegates can see you (via your webcam) and hear you when you speak – again, as if you are in the classroom.
With most of our courses, one of the Armada back office team is online first thing to welcome and chat to you before the training gets under way – the same as having a ‘front of house’ colleague meeting and greeting you if you come to one of our centres. We just can’t make you a cuppa!
2. We support you with everything you need
A week or so before your course, we provide you with everything you need for your training. We:
- Send you an email with the details you need to prepare for your training and links to download the resources you’ll use.
- Post you a printed training guide. This is the same guide that our in-class delegates get. We think hard copy work is better. As you follow the course, you can make your own notes on it. You can’t do that with a locked-down PDF!
- We provide you with details of free trial software that you can download and install, if you don’t have the software that you are learning installed on your computer.
We don’t stop there… a couple of days before your course starts, one of the team will call you to check you have everything you need in place, and see if you have any last-minute queries.
And post-course, you’re entitled to 30 days’ email support from your trainer.
3. Our online courses are really interactive and practical
There is no mono-tone teacher reading out of a boring textbook here at Armada. Yes, we have training guides but our trainers work through our course syllabus by means of lecture to explain principles, practical demonstrations and exercises. They use their professional experience to help make everything as relatable and straightforward as possible.
There’s plenty of time for questions and discussion – and likely a few bad jokes will be thrown in along the way too 🙄!
If you get a bit stuck on something, don’t panic. Simply share your screen with your trainer, who will guide you through your problem and get you back on course.
And if you’re a bit shy, you can always send your trainer a private chat message instead of speaking out loud.
4. Our online courses carry the same accreditations as our in-class courses
Unlike the vast majority of the cheap alternative online training courses, most of our courses are accredited. If you book an online course in an Autodesk application, such as AutoCAD or Revit, your course is accredited by Autodesk. If you book an online course in InDesign, Premiere Pro or any other Adobe application, it’s accredited by Adobe. You get the same e-certificate at the end, confirming successful completion of an accredited training course.
We have been providing accredited training in Adobe and Autodesk applications for many years, and our accredited status ensures that we continue to deliver the highest possible levels of training. We are continually assessed by Autodesk and Adobe – based primarily on delegate feedback – to ensure we’re maintaining standards to continue providing training in the name of these organisations. We always exceed their requirements.
5. We continually develop our online courses, incorporating client feedback
As part of our commitment to continually improve and develop our courses and the overall online training experience, and we welcome all delegate feedback. You’re best-positioned to give us and your peers unbiased and honest feedback on your learning experience at Armada.
We’re not one of those companies who asks for feedback but then discounts it… we absorb all feedback, including criticism, and use it to ensure that future learners get the best possible experience with us.
We don’t offer incentives for good reviews on Google, Facebook or LinkedIn. All reviews that we have are there because people have chosen to share their experience of attending training with us. And, for the record, we’re a 4.9* Google business, we score 5 out of 5 on Facebook and FindCourses rates us 4.8 out of 5 😊.

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